Hacker Community Blog
At HackerOne, our Community is our core. In this space, we cover all Community matters, whether you are a security researcher, pentester, or exclusive bug bounty hacker - the Hacker Community blog space is where you can find all relevant announcements, highlights, support materials and technical content directed for our hackers or written by our hackers!
OWASP Top 10: The Risk of Cryptographic Failures
Cryptographic failures: what are they and why are they considered so concerning by the OWASP Top 10?
Community Blogs

Hacker AFK: Jason Haddix
December 15th, 2022
Today's hacker Jason Haddix JXoaT : So, what was your first experience with the word hacker? Jason : My first...

Ambassador Spotlight: DrSniper
December 9th, 2022
What made you want to become an ambassador? I love meeting and getting to know new people. Regarding...

Creating a CTF: The Success of Flag Hunt Bangladesh
November 29th, 2022
About the CTF Flag Hunt 2022 CTF was the first ever two-stage event in Bangladesh, where the qualification...

Ambassador Spotlight: Emperor
December 1st, 2022
Who are you? My name is Raviraj; I'm from Gujarat, India. I go by the handle, Emperor. My handle came from an...

Introducing Program Levels: Hacker-friendly Practices that Improve Program Results
November 16th, 2022
One of the most important lessons we have learned is that organizations with the most successful bug bounty...

Hacker Appreciation Month: Badge Awards
November 4th, 2022
Celebrating the accomplishments of hackers is something we want to do year-round. However, we decided we...