Hacker Community Blog
At HackerOne, our Community is our core. In this space, we cover all Community matters, whether you are a security researcher, pentester, or exclusive bug bounty hacker - the Hacker Community blog space is where you can find all relevant announcements, highlights, support materials and technical content directed for our hackers or written by our hackers!
OWASP Top 10: The Risk of Cryptographic Failures
Cryptographic failures: what are they and why are they considered so concerning by the OWASP Top 10?
Community Blogs

Get Invited: How Live Hacking Event Invites Have Changed
February 28th, 2023
HackerOne Live Hacking Events are back! We wrapped a tremendous year of events for 2022 where we saw some...

HackerOne was Proud to Sponsor Bug Hunt!
February 24th, 2023
First, a shout-out to the winners at Bug Hunt! Congratulations are in order for these dedicated hackers: 1st...

What Does Belgium’s New Legal Framework On Hacking Mean For Me?
February 23rd, 2023
The Belgian government has recently announced a new Belgian law that will allow ethical hackers to hack any...

The View from the Other Side: A Security Analyst's Perspective on Bug Bounty Triage
February 17th, 2023
I was always intrigued about how things work on the other side of bug bounty. Well, the month of June, 22 made...

First Time Valid Bugs Smashed in April 2023!
May 10th, 2023
First off, we want to congratulate everyone who found their first bug on H1! It is an incredible achievement and one that shouldn’t go unnoticed.

Hacker AFK: Rhynorater
February 6th, 2023
Hackers live varied lives, each as unique as the last. Check out who they are away from keyboard. What you find will surprise you...