Secure future. Shared defense.
Speed vulnerability remediation and maximize the effectiveness of your HackerOne programs.
Make the most of your HackerOne programs
Maximize your investment in HackerOne with services that help you strengthen your ability to resist attacks by optimizing hacker findings, accelerating remediation, and implementing best practices.

Triage services
Reduce noise while increasing your ability to take fast remediation actions with the help of our Triage team.
Reduce false positives faster and get guidance that helps reduce applications exploitability.
- Rely on us to communicate with hackers, validate their submissions, remove duplicate reports, and rank vulnerabilities by severity.
- Get coverage in your time zone, when you need it most.

How Sage Strengthens Business Resilience with HackerOne Security Advisory Services
To keep pace with rapidly changing security environments, organizations must equip their internal teams with the knowledge and skills to safeguard against evolving cyber threats. As the market leader in cloud business management solutions, millions of global organizations trust Sage to secure their data.

Advisory services
We’re with you every step of the way, from custom workflows, implementation workshops, and integrations to vulnerability management to analysis of your asset security track record. Our services tune your program for maximum positive outcomes.
Manage and scale your program with best practices and insights from experts in cyber risk reduction.
- Receive specialized guidance on running security strategies that keep your organization safe and growing.
- Prioritize asset risk profiles and measure program success for increased resistance to attack.

We partnered with HackerOne because their triage is impressive. HackerOne handles contact with researchers and validates their findings. This allows us to focus our energies on addressing vulnerabilities.

With HackerOne and their triage services we now have a sturdy database with ticketing capabilities.

We take advantage of the triaging services to help with our workload.

By enabling all teams that work in cybersecurity to better understand the root causes of real-life examples, we can avoid more issues earlier in the software development lifecycle. The HackerOne workshop helps to educate 100s of Sage employees and strengthen our capabilities and how we respond to situations.

HackerOne Security Advisory Services
Leading organizations around the world count on continuous security testing to monitor the health of their security strategy. It’s the safety net that automatically deploys when other systems and processes fail. HackerOne identifies continuous improvements across your attack surface—revealing blind spots in assets, known and unknown, before attackers exploit them.