Security@ On-Demand
Did you miss some (or all!) of the insights into achieving attack resistance at the live Security@ 2022 event? To get up to speed on what it takes to safeguard your ever-growing attack surface, watch these sessions on your schedule.
Training Sessions
General Session—Complete
Keynote: An Introduction to Achieving Attack Resistance
Learn about a new approach to strengthening resistance to attack by focusing security teams' efforts on addressing the gap between the assets they currently know about and protect, and their full attack surface.
Keynote: Innovating the Attack Resistance Management Platform
Learn about the evolution of HackerOne’s product roadmap and get a peek at the Attack Resistance Management platform in action.
Keynote: Gigatrends—7 Tech Trends Changing Everything
Gigatrends shed a bright and insightful light on the many unanticipated ways that technology will shape the future, connecting the dots between seemingly disconnected trends to make them understandable and actionable.
Keynote: How Human Experts Give you a Security Advantage
Learn strategies for combining the power of automated scanning with the security expertise of ethical hackers to drive down risk and achieve attack resistance.
Keynote: Strengthen Your Security Posture with a Continuous Cycle of Vulnerability Intelligence
Learn how Hyatt hotels and DC3 use vulnerability trends to inform security actions and apply those actions throughout the SDLC for a stronger security posture.
Hacker AMA (Ask Me Anything)
Hear from ASM hackers, pentesters, code reviewers, bug bounty hunters, and hackers that also lead programs to learn what motivates them, how they think, and what your organization should consider when setting up a program.
Today's Hacker: The Industry Shift to Preventative Security
Explore the current state of preventive cybersecurity systems that continuously harden your attack surface, shifting our industry from reactive to proactive.
Modernizing Attack Surface Management (ASM)
Understand the modern attacker’s perspective on approaching a company's digital assets and finding vulnerabilities within them—and see how you can implement a comprehensive attack surface management program to reduce your organization’s risk.
All Your Data Я Belong to You: Utilizing the HackerOne API to Power ML/AI and Custom Analytics
See step-by-step how to utilize the robust HackerOne API to securely access your program's data to power external applications.
Lessons Learned in the Race to Secure Open Source
Get experts’ insights into strategies for securing open source, and what the future holds for open source security.
Secure Code Review: Catching Vulnerabilities at the Source
Learn the importance of incorporating secure code review in the software development life cycle. While automated scans are helpful and powerful tools, they're no replacement for code review by human experts.
Are Your Developers OWASP Top 10 Aware or Educated?
Learn the distinction between developer awareness vs. education, how application security education can fit into your larger security awareness programs, and how to work with stakeholders across your organization to deliver safer software.
Running Scalable & Efficient Pentesting Programs with HackerOne: Your Road to Continuous Assessments
There is an increasing need for on-demand access to high-quality pentesting resources—and traditional consulting firms are unable to deliver due to limited FTE teams, slow launch times, delayed results, and manual reporting efforts. Learn an easy and fast way to scope and launch a pentest with real-time results.
Want to Learn More?
For even more on how to boost your attack resistance,
catch the Security@ Beyond webinar series.