Networking Event

HackerOne’s Winter Networking Drinks

Thursday 24 November 
Oriole Bar

Venue: Oriole Bar, East Poultry Avenue, Smithfield Markets, London, EC1A 9LH
Date: Thursday 24 November
Timings: 17:30–21:30

Eat, drink, and connect with your cybersecurity peers at HackerOne’s winter networking drinks event at Oriole Bar, London.

The venue’s sumptuous space is an oasis of warmth, beguiling décor and enthralling refreshments, a perfect setting to trigger lively conversation of today’s security challenges and what really works for increasing an organization’s resistance to attack.

Enjoy canapés, drinks, live music, strategic insights, and winter atmosphere aplenty. 

RSVP now to reserve your complimentary VIP spot. Space at this exclusive event is limited.



RSVP today, space is limited!