2024 Ambassador World cup is here!

What is the Ambassador World Cup?

Get ready to compete! Inspired by the FIFA World Cup, the Ambassador World Cup offers a gamified experience that brings the global hacking community together in a friendly competition. The year-long hacking tournament is designed to supercharge your program's engagement and is a valuable tool for our customers to connect with top researchers.

2024 Ambassador World cup is here!

What is the Ambassador World Cup?

Get ready to compete! Inspired by the FIFA World Cup, the Ambassador World Cup offers a gamified experience that brings the global hacking community together in a friendly competition. The year-long hacking tournament is designed to supercharge your program's engagement and is a valuable tool for our customers to connect with top researchers.

The AWC Challenge: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

The AWC is a spin-off of our popular live hacking events, offering a unique approach to security testing. Brand Ambassadors build teams of 10-20 security researchers from their communities. This collaborative format fosters knowledge sharing and teamwork. The tournament unfolds over six rounds, with a mix of virtual and in-person challenges.

Every valid report submitted earns points.The severity of the vulnerability determines the points awarded, with critical vulnerabilities earning the most. HackerOne tracks all submissions to determine which teams advance to the next round, making for some intense competition!

Participating Customer Partners:

Event Structure:

The ambassador world cup is a team competition similar to the FIFA world cup. Each team of hackers represent their country over a tournament of six hacking rounds. All hackers participating belong to the HackerOne Brand Ambassador Program, and have an ambassador as their team leads. Countries without ambassadors cannot participate. If your country doesn’t have one, check here how to apply to become an ambassador for next year!

AWC Qualifiers:

participating, this is the first round of the tournament significant importance, since only 32 teams from different countries will move to the group stage. This round is and it’s of significant importance, since only 32 teams an “all vs all” round. The more points a team gets, the higher they will be qualified. 32 teams with the highest from different countries will move to the group stage. scores will move to the group round and 8 teams will be eliminated in this round.

Group Stage:

The group stage includes 32 teams. The top 8 teams from the qualifiers are seeded into groups from A to H, meaning that they won’t face each other in the Group stage. This is a big benefit that might help teams to make it further into the competition. For the rest of the teams, a live draw is held to define which group the rest 24 teams will be allocated. In this stage, each Team will compete in a head-to-head match against the other 3 members of their group and NOT against all teams at once. The top 2 teams of each group will qualify to the next round.

Just Like in Soccer

Exactly like the football (soccer) World Cup, there will be four Elimination Rounds. Sweet 16, Elite 8, Final Four, and the Championship (1st, 2nd and 3rd places are defined here). The competition brackets are updated each round displaying which teams are competing and who moves forward to the next round. A Leaderboard has also been created for this competition, you can follow up the positions in real time by accessing this website.

AWC 2024 - Schedule of Events:

  • Ambassador World Cup qualifiers - Virtual - Concluded
  • Group round - Virtual - Concluded
  • Sweet Sixteen - Virtual - Concluded
  • Elite Eight - In person event - January 28 to February 8, 2025
  • Final Four - Virtual - March 4 to 14, 2025
  • Championship - In person event - April 29 - May 10, 2025

Note: Dates are subject to change

Reporting and Scoring system:

Hacker teams get points per severity of the bugs they submit. Only valid reports are considered for points. In order for a report to count for points needs to match the following criteria:
  • Asset must be in scope for the AWC participating programs

  • Asset must be eligible for bounties

  • Report must be in any valid status ( triaged, resolved, retesting or “pending program review”)

  • Reports in Duplicate, Informative, N/A or any other status won’t count for points

2023 Ambassador World Cup Recap

Our 2023 Ambassador World Cup saw record numbers for this initiative and brought valuable results directly to our participating customers.

Highlights from the 2023 Competition:


in total bounties paid for the 2023 Ambassador World Cup


researchers participated across 29 teams and 24 countries


11 participating customers saw 2,900+ combined total submissions

If we could duplicate reports as valid bugs (as they reflect a bug already found), 57% of reports submitted were valid reports.

26% of the valid reports were Critical/High vulnerabilities


1.7million impressions were made across X(Twitter), Instagram, and LinkedIn.


Increase in social media engagement

Last Year’s Winners:

"We believe that the success of our team is due to the wide variety of profiles we have, which allows us to have different approaches while testing. On the other hand, we have had a lot of collaboration between Spanish hackers and a great participation from 60-70% of our team members and even members who do not participate on a regular basis have joined this AWC edition with an outstanding contribution"