Bloomberg Live: Optimizing Security for the Long Term
July 23, 2020 | 12:00pm EDT / 5:00pm BST
This Event Has Ended
The global pandemic and subsequent shuttering of most major offices forced many companies to adopt makeshift solutions for work-forces that were suddenly home-bound. These solutions oftentimes left companies vulnerable to a host of security issues as workers utilized personal emails and devices outside of secure infrastructures to handle remote work loads. As companies now look ahead to a future where work from home arrangements are likely to be a feature of life for large swaths of the population, IT and information security departments are refocusing efforts to shore up these vulnerabilities and build durable, lasting solutions for a remote future.
In this briefing, we’ll talk to security experts about what they see as the most pressing challenges still facing most organizations; get their thoughts on the most pernicious threats still out there; and discuss what steps companies can take to secure their data and IP over the long term.
July 23, 2020
12:00pm EDT / 5:00pm BST
Alex Rice
Co-Founder and CTO
Jon Oberheide
Co-Founder and CTO
Duo Security
Vanessa Pegueros
Chief Trust and Security Officer
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