What Is Hacking? Black Hat, White Hat, Blue Hat, and More

What Is Hacking?

8 Minute Read

Hacking is the act of exploiting vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, or software to gain unauthorized access, manipulate, or disrupt their normal functioning. Hackers can be either malicious (black-hat) or ethical (white-hat). Malicious hackers cause harm, steal data, or disrupt operations, while ethical hackers help organizations improve security by identifying and reporting the vulnerabilities most likely to be exploited by malicious hackers.

Hacking represents both a great challenge and an important opportunity for organizations. On the one hand, malicious hacking techniques can lead to devastating attacks that can cause massive damage to businesses, their reputation, and their customers. On the other hand, knowledge of the same techniques, when wielded by ethical hackers, can help organizations assess their vulnerabilities, improve their security posture, and successfully defend against cybercrime.

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Who are Hackers? 6 Types of Hackers

Hackers are individuals or groups with advanced technical skills. While the term "hacker" often has negative connotations, not all hackers have malicious intentions. In fact, there is a broad spectrum of hacker types, each with its own motivations, ethical considerations, and objectives. 

Understanding the differences between these hacker types is crucial for organizations and individuals alike to effectively navigate the complex world of cybersecurity and protect their digital assets. Some of the main types of hackers include:

Threat Actors (Black Hat Hackers)

These are individuals or groups who engage in hacking for malicious purposes, such as stealing sensitive information, impersonating others, disrupting systems, or causing harm to others. They exploit vulnerabilities without permission and often have criminal intentions.


Hacktivists are hackers who engage in cyber activities to promote a political or social cause. They use hacking techniques to raise awareness, protest, or advocate for their beliefs. Their actions can range from leaking sensitive information to defacing websites, and their methods may be legal or illegal, depending on the circumstances.

Gray Hat Hackers

These hackers fall in between white and black hat hackers. They may identify and exploit vulnerabilities in systems without authorization but do so without malicious intent, often to inform the system owner of the security issue. Their actions can be seen as both helpful and harmful, depending on the context.

Ethical Hackers (White Hat Hackers)

These are cybersecurity professionals who use their hacking skills to identify and fix vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, or software. They are usually outside the organization and have legal authorization to perform security assessments. They follow ethical guidelines, with the goal of improving an organization's security.

Blue Hat Hackers (Blue Teams)

These hackers typically have a background in cybersecurity and are invited by organizations to test their systems for vulnerabilities before a product launch or major update. They are similar to white hat hackers and  are also usually external to the organization, providing an unbiased assessment of the system's security.

Red Hat Hackers

Red hat hackers focus on taking down or stopping black hat hackers using aggressive tactics. While their intentions may be noble, their methods can be controversial, as they might employ the same techniques used by black hat hackers, potentially crossing ethical lines.

How Do Hackers Operate?

Ethical hackers and threat actors operate with distinct motivations, objectives, and methodologies. Here is a brief overview of how they typically differ:

Ethical Hackers

  1. Authorization: Ethical hackers have permission from the organization to conduct security assessments and penetration tests. They follow legal and ethical guidelines to ensure they do not cause any harm.
  2. Objective: Their primary goal is to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in systems, networks, or software, and to recommend appropriate remediation measures to prevent potential cyberattacks.
  3. Reporting: Ethical hackers document their findings and share them with the organization, providing detailed information about the discovered vulnerabilities, potential risks, and suggested remediation steps.
  4. Collaboration: They work closely with organizations, helping them improve their security posture and often engaging in ongoing relationships for regular security assessments and consultations.

Threat Actors

  1. Authorization: Threat actors operate without permission, exploiting vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, or software to gain unauthorized access or cause harm.
  2. Objective: Their motivations can vary, ranging from financial gain, data theft, espionage, or causing disruption and damage to targeted systems or organizations.
  3. Concealment: Threat actors typically use various techniques to hide their identity, such as using proxy servers, VPNs, or anonymous networks like Tor to mask their IP addresses and location.
  4. Malware and exploits: They often employ malware, such as viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware, or exploit kits to compromise systems and achieve their objectives.
  5. Persistence: Threat actors may establish a foothold within a compromised system or network, allowing them to maintain access and control over an extended period, making detection and removal more difficult.

Common Malicious Hacking Techniques

There are thousands of known cyber attack techniques. Security frameworks like MITRE ATT&CK map out and document tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), to help organizations understand and defend against them. Below we list only a handful of important attack techniques that every organization should be aware of.


Phishing is a social engineering technique where malicious hackers attempt to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or credentials by posing as a trustworthy entity. Typically, phishing attacks involve emails containing malicious links or attachments, which, when clicked or opened, may install malware or direct the victim to a fake website designed to steal their information.


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks aim to overwhelm a target system, network, or website with an excessive volume of traffic, rendering it inaccessible to legitimate users. Malicious hackers often use botnets, networks of compromised devices, to launch coordinated DDoS attacks, which can be difficult to mitigate.


Malware is malicious software designed to infiltrate, damage, or compromise computer systems or networks. It includes various types, such as viruses, worms, Trojans, adware, and spyware. Malicious hackers use malware to steal data, disrupt operations, or gain unauthorized access to the target system.


Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim's files or locks their system, rendering it unusable. The hacker then demands a ransom payment, usually in cryptocurrency, in exchange for the decryption key or unlocking the system. Ransomware attacks can cause significant financial and operational losses for organizations and individuals.

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)

An APT (advanced persistent threat) is a long-term, targeted cyberattack in which malicious hackers gain unauthorized access to a network and maintain a stealthy presence, often with the intent of stealing sensitive information or conducting espionage. APT groups are typically well-funded and highly skilled, using sophisticated techniques and tools to remain undetected.


BEC is a type of targeted phishing attack where malicious hackers impersonate high-level executives or other trusted individuals within an organization, often to request fraudulent wire transfers or manipulate employees into revealing sensitive data. BEC attacks exploit the trust relationship between employees and can cause significant financial losses.

What Cybersecurity Solutions and Tools Can Prevent Malicious Hacking?

A variety of cybersecurity solutions and tools can help prevent malicious hacking by addressing different aspects of security. Some of these solutions include:

Endpoint Security

Endpoint security refers to protecting devices such as desktops, laptops, smartphones, and other IoT devices that connect to a network. Endpoint security solutions typically include antivirus and anti-malware software, firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and device management tools to monitor and protect devices from threats and unauthorized access.

Cloud Security

Cloud security safeguards data and applications stored in the cloud from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other threats. It enforces strict access control, data encryption, and continuous monitoring, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected even if a malicious hacker gains access to the cloud infrastructure.

Application Security

Application security focuses on protecting software applications from vulnerabilities and exploits. This involves implementing secure coding practices, regular vulnerability assessments, and using tools like web application firewalls (WAF), static and dynamic application security testing (SAST and DAST), and runtime application self-protection (RASP). These tools can help identify and remediate vulnerabilities in applications, reducing the attack surface for malicious hackers.

Browser Security

Browsers can be a common attack vector for malicious hackers. Browser security tools and measures include using privacy-focused browsers, enabling automatic updates, installing browser extensions for ad-blocking and anti-tracking, and configuring security settings to protect against malicious websites, cookies, and scripts. Some browsers also offer built-in sandboxing features to isolate potential threats.

Email Security

Email is often targeted by malicious hackers using phishing and other social engineering techniques. Email security solutions involve filtering and scanning incoming and outgoing emails for malicious content, implementing strong authentication methods (e.g., multi-factor authentication), and using email encryption to protect sensitive information. Employee training and awareness programs can also play a critical role in reducing the risk of email-based attacks.

Learn more in our detailed guides to: 

Best Practices to Prevent Malicious Hacking in Your Organization

Implementing best practices can significantly reduce the risk of malicious hacking in your organization. Here are some key strategies to consider:

Cybersecurity Awareness Training

This training involves educating employees about the various cyber threats they may face, how to recognize them, and how to respond effectively. Topics covered in cybersecurity awareness training may include:

  • Recognizing phishing emails and other social engineering attacks.
  • Creating and managing strong passwords and using multi-factor authentication.
  • Safe browsing habits and avoiding malicious websites.
  • Identifying and reporting suspicious activities or incidents.
  • Proper handling and protection of sensitive data.
  • Understanding the organization's security policies and procedures.

Regularly updating and reinforcing the training helps ensure that employees remain vigilant and knowledgeable about evolving threats. By educating employees on the various cyber threats and providing guidance on safe online practices, organizations can create a security-aware culture that helps prevent malicious hacking. 

Since human error is often the cause of security breaches, employees who are knowledgeable about common cyber threats and best practices are less likely to fall for phishing attacks or other social engineering techniques. Additionally, well-trained employees can act as an extra line of defense, identifying and reporting suspicious activities or incidents, which can prevent malicious hackers from further infiltrating the organization.

Incident Response

An incident response plan is a structured approach for managing and mitigating security incidents, such as data breaches or cyberattacks. The incident response lifecycle typically includes the following phases:

  1. Preparation: Establish a dedicated incident response team, develop an incident response plan, and ensure that all employees are familiar with their roles and responsibilities in case of a security incident.
  2. Detection and analysis: Implement monitoring and detection tools to identify potential security incidents, and establish processes for analyzing and validating incidents.
  3. Containment and eradication: Once an incident is confirmed, take appropriate steps to contain the threat, such as isolating affected systems, revoking compromised credentials, or deploying security patches.
  4. Recovery: Restore affected systems and data, ensuring that they are free from vulnerabilities and that normal operations can resume.
  5. Lessons learned: Conduct a post-incident analysis to identify areas for improvement, adjust the incident response plan, and implement necessary changes to prevent similar incidents in the future.

By having a well-prepared and coordinated response team, organizations can limit the impact of a cyberattack and reduce the likelihood of malicious hackers gaining a foothold in their systems. A robust incident response plan also aids in learning from past incidents, allowing organizations to improve their security measures and prevent similar attacks in the future.


DevSecOps is the integration of security practices within the DevOps process, promoting collaboration between development, security, and operations teams. This approach aims to embed security considerations throughout the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC), resulting in more secure applications and systems. Key elements of DevSecOps include:

  • Shifting security left: By incorporating security early in the SDLC, potential vulnerabilities can be identified and addressed before they become critical issues.
  • Continuous security: Integrating security into the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, ensuring that security checks and tests are performed at every stage of the development process.
  • Collaboration and communication: Encouraging open communication between development, security, and operations teams to share insights, address concerns, and resolve issues quickly.
  • Automated security testing: Using tools like SAST, DAST, and interactive application security testing (IAST) to automate vulnerability detection and remediation.
  • Security monitoring and incident response: Implementing real-time security monitoring and integrating it with the incident response process to quickly detect and respond to security threats.

By focusing on these key aspects, DevSecOps enables organizations to build more secure applications and systems while maintaining the agility and speed of the DevOps process. This approach helps identify and address potential vulnerabilities in applications and systems before they can be exploited by malicious hackers. 

Secure Coding

Secure coding involves the implementation of best practices and guidelines in the development process to create software that is resistant to vulnerabilities and exploits. By adhering to secure coding principles, developers can write code that is less prone to common security flaws, reducing the risk of malicious hacking. Some key secure coding practices include:

  • Input validation and sanitation: Ensuring that all user-supplied data is properly validated and sanitized to prevent injection attacks, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Principle of least privilege: Granting the minimum necessary permissions for software components and users, which limits the potential damage in case of a security breach.
  • Error handling and logging: Handling errors securely and maintaining detailed logs for monitoring and auditing purposes, without revealing sensitive information.
  • Secure data storage and transmission: Encrypting data at rest and in transit to prevent unauthorized access and data leaks.

By following secure coding practices, organizations can develop software with fewer vulnerabilities, making it more difficult for malicious hackers to exploit their systems and applications.

Application Security Testing

Regular application security testing helps identify and remediate vulnerabilities in software applications, reducing the risk of malicious hacking. The main types of application security testing include:

  • SAST: Analyzing source code for potential vulnerabilities during the development process, allowing developers to fix issues before deployment.
  • DAST: Scanning running applications for security vulnerabilities, typically from an external perspective, to identify potential issues that could be exploited by malicious hackers.
  • IAST: Combining aspects of both SAST and DAST to analyze applications during runtime, providing real-time feedback and greater accuracy in identifying vulnerabilities.

By incorporating regular application security testing into their development processes, organizations can discover and address security issues early on, ultimately preventing malicious hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in their applications.

Using Vulnerabilities Databases 

Using vulnerability databases is an effective strategy to prevent malicious hacking by staying informed about the latest security flaws and potential attack vectors. vulnerability databases collect, organize, and disseminate information about known security vulnerabilities in software, hardware, and other systems. By regularly consulting these databases, organizations and individuals can take proactive measures to protect their systems from being exploited by malicious hackers.

Keep track of well-known and reliable vulnerability databases, such as the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database, the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), and databases maintained by security companies or open-source projects. These databases provide detailed information about known vulnerabilities, including descriptions, severity scores, and potential impact.

Learn more in the detailed guide to the CVE database

Attack Surface Management

Managing an organization’s attack surface involves the continuous identification, monitoring, and de-risking potential entry points and weaknesses that malicious hackers might exploit. By reducing the attack surface, organizations can limit the vectors  for exploitation  of their digital asset landscape.

Key aspects of attack surface management include:

  • Discovery and inventory of digital assets: Maintaining an up-to-date inventory of all digital  assets, along with their associated vulnerabilities and security configurations.
  • Network segmentation: For internal attack surfaces, separating  critical systems and data from less sensitive areas of the network, limiting lateral movement in case of a breach.
  • Risk ranking digital asset vulnerabilities: Implementing robust prioritization of found flaws to ensure that the most critical vulnerabilities are remediated. 

Vulnerability Assessment

A vulnerability assessment is a systematic process of identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing vulnerabilities in an organization's systems, networks, and applications. By conducting regular vulnerability assessments, organizations can proactively address weaknesses before they can be exploited by malicious hackers. Key components of vulnerability assessments include:

  • Scanning: Using automated tools to scan systems and applications for known vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and security weaknesses.
  • Analysis: Analyzing the results of the scans to determine the severity and potential impact of identified vulnerabilities, taking into account the organization's specific context and risk tolerance.
  • Prioritization: Prioritizing the remediation of vulnerabilities based on their severity, potential impact, and the organization's resources and objectives.
  • Remediation: Implementing patches, updates, or other security measures to address identified vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of exploitation.

System Hardening

System hardening is the process of enhancing the security of systems by reducing their attack surface and implementing additional security measures. By hardening systems, organizations can make it more challenging for malicious hackers to exploit vulnerabilities or gain unauthorized access. Some common system hardening techniques include:

  • Disabling unnecessary services and features: Reducing the potential attack surface by disabling services, features, or applications that are not required for the system's intended purpose.
  • Configuring security settings: Adjusting system settings to enforce security best practices, such as password policies, access controls, and encryption.
  • Patching and updating: Regularly applying security patches and updates to ensure that systems are protected against known vulnerabilities.
  • Implementing security controls: Deploying security tools and measures such as firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and antivirus software to protect systems against threats.

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is a process in which skilled security professionals simulate real-world attacks on an organization's systems, networks, and applications to identify and verify security coverage. 

By conducting penetration testing, organizations can gain a better understanding of their security posture and how effective their existing security measures are at preventing malicious hacking attempts. Key aspects of penetration testing include:

  • Planning and scoping: Defining the objectives, scope, and approach of the penetration test, taking into account the organization's specific context and requirements.
  • Reconnaissance and information gathering: Collecting information about the target systems, networks, or applications to identify potential attack vectors and weaknesses.
  • Exploitation: Attempting to exploit identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or compromise the target systems, using the same techniques and tools that malicious hackers might employ.
  • Reporting and remediation: Documenting the findings of the penetration test, including detailed information about identified vulnerabilities and recommendations for remediation.


Sandboxing is a security technique that involves isolating potentially malicious software or processes in a separate, restricted environment, preventing them from interacting with the rest of the system. This containment strategy helps protect systems against threats like malware and ransomware by limiting their ability to spread or cause damage. 

Key aspects of sandboxing include:

  • Isolation: Creating a confined execution environment, separate from the main system, where untrusted or potentially harmful applications or processes can run without directly accessing system resources or sensitive data.
  • Resource control: Restricting access to system resources, such as memory, storage, and network connections, to limit the potential impact of malicious software running in the sandbox.
  • Monitoring: Observing the behavior of applications or processes running in the sandbox to detect potentially malicious activities, such as attempts to access sensitive data, modify system settings, or communicate with external servers.

Analysis and decision-making: Analyzing the behavior of sandboxed applications or processes to determine if they pose a threat to the system, and taking appropriate actions, such as allowing the software to run outside the sandbox, blocking its execution, or alerting security teams for further investigation.

Preventing Malicious Hacking with HackerOne

The most effective way to prevent an intrusion from a malicious hacker is to add ethical hackers to your preemptive security strategy. In the same way that bad actors innovate their tactics to exploit vulnerable digital assets, ethical hackers test for vulnerabilities from an adversarial point of view to find those vulnerabilities first.

With the Attack Resistance Platform from HackerOne, organizations across the globe are preventing cybercrime, protecting their brand and focusing on building success.

Learn more about the HackerOne Attack Resistance Platform

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