Hack the Air Force 2.0 Live-Hacking Event brings together Airmen and Hackers

January 10, 2018

The Hack’s On! Kicking off #hacktheairfoce 2.0 in New York City with 25 security researchers from around the world coming together alongside Airmen from 24th Air Force Military Unit and the 315th Cyberspace Operations Squadron to hunt and fix as many bugs as possible in one day. “Everybody knows something a little different and the level of depth that they have with one offshoot of a web technology or possible vulnerability is just amazing. It’s hard to grow that kind of talent in house and so when you crowdsource that you’re able to uncover things that maybe you don’t have the expertise for.” - Major Barrett Darnell “We’ve got to take the best practices from industry and apply them to government.” - Lt. Col. Jonathan Joshua Ps - see our live-hacking event in the 24.af.mil 2017 highlight reel - check out slide 4 (http://www.24af.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1408379/24th-air-force-2017-highlights/)

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