Introducing the Wells Fargo Public Bug Bounty Program

December 10, 2024 HackerOne

Since then, we’ve grown the program, collaborated with HackerOne, and built partnerships within the bug bounty community. The valuable insights we’ve gained from security researchers all over the world have helped us bolster security for Wells Fargo’s assets.

Now we’re ready to take the next big step: launching the Wells Fargo public bug bounty program. We hope you’ll help us on this journey to continue to evolve and sustain a secure environment for our customers.

Our program will focus on our heavily trafficked external-facing applications. If you’re ready to get involved, check out our HackerOne program policy for details on the scope.

Proactively Safeguarding Wells Fargo Customers

Wells Fargo takes its security responsibility seriously. Our Cybersecurity team triages potential security vulnerabilities identified by the HackerOne community, assesses the impact, and focuses on rapidly remediating findings to safeguard our customers and their data.

Should you choose to participate in our program, you can expect, where appropriate, to be kept informed as findings are validated, impacts are assessed, and fixes are implemented. We’re excited to dive deeper into the bug bounty pool as we continue to give our customers the protection they deserve.

Visit the Wells Fargo public bug bounty program.

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Introducing the Wells Fargo Public Bug Bounty Program
Introducing the Wells Fargo Public Bug Bounty Program

Since then, we’ve grown the program, collaborated with HackerOne, and built partnerships within the bug bou...